
Allocating the budget for implementation of the law for the disabled must be based on the correct statistics of people with disabilities

The head of the national network of non-governmental organizations for the physically disabled in the country stated that the unrealistic statistics of the country's disabled are the main factor in incorrect budget forecast for the implementation of the law for protection of the rights of the disabled.

According to Peyk-e Tavana, citing the public relations of the national network of the country's physically disabled organizations; in the meeting of the Social Commission of the Parliament, which was held on Sunday morning in Baharestan building and attended by members of the Social Commission of the Parliament, the head of the Welfare Organization and the Deputy of Development Management and Human Resources, Seyed Mohammad Mousavi added: The main reason of lack of accurate calculations in determining  budget of the Welfare Organization is an incorrect and unrealistic statistic of the disabled in the country.

Emphasizing that the current statistics of the disabled population in Iran are unrealistic, he added: "The latest statistics of the disabled are related to the population and housing census of 2006, according to which the statistics of the disabled are about one and two tenths of the country's population. While according to the World Health Organization, at least 15 percent of the population of all communities is people with disabilities.

The head of the National Network of the Physically disabled criticized the deletion of the item related to the count of the disabled in the 2016 census, added: "This action, which was done under the pretext of reducing costs, has caused even the parliament Mistakes in estimating the required welfare budget based on the per capita population of the disabled and determines budgets less than the actual needs of the target community  and this damage is far greater than the savings mentioned in the non-census of the disabled.

Wednesday 2021/1/6

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