Peyk-e Tavana is the only specialized monthly which covers the issues related to disabled people in Iran. Its publication began by the Disability Association of Tavana (DAT) in 2007. Adopting a cultural-social approach, this journal is published in order to introduce a shift in the society’s attitude toward the potentials and capabilities of disabled people.
Peyk-e Tavana is concentrated on promoting the rights of disabled people and enhancing their awareness of these rights and, at the same time, endeavors to make a shift in the society’s attitude toward the community of disabled people. In addition, Peyk-e Tavana conveys the shortcomings in the lives of disabled people to the concerned authorities and tries to follow up legal procedures for tackling with these shortcomings.
With a circulation of 8,000 to 10,000 copies, Peyk-e Tavana is published by DAT and covers its target audience. This journal is sent to parliament members, ministerial departments, foreign embassies, governor generals, state welfare departments in various provinces, rehabilitation centers, and all the organizations which are involved in the affairs of disabled people in one way or another. Several thousands of disabled people throughout the country, too, receive this journal.
All the costs of this journal, even the post expenses, are born by DAT. The DAT officials have never looked at Peyk-e Tavana as a source of revenue, because they have realized that their journal’s target audiences are mostly from low-income people who are unable even to meet their own basic and essential requirements. In fact, disabled people and their families are usually deprived of such cultural products in their lives. Therefore, DAT has provided this journal for disabled people and their families at no cost and has abided by its commitment to the enhancement of their cultural and social status.
Currently, there are 62 disabled individuals from different provinces who cooperate with Peyk-e Tavana and provide materials for this monthly journal. Endeavoring to introduce successful disabled individuals, Peyk-e Tavana has always attempted to promote the spirit of hope among the community of disabled people and contribute them to get rid of their isolation in society.
Some of the issues which have been covered by Peyk-e Tavana during the past years are as follows: promoting the marriage of disabled people with each other; emphasizing on the necessity of education for disabled individuals; preventing the occurrence of disability; providing proper diets for disabled people; etc.
It should be pointed out that the DAT has established small scale and large scale production workshops in order to provide job opportunities for disabled people and help them earn their livelihood. Through revenues obtained from such production workshops, the DAT meets the costs of its cultural products, including Peyk-e Tavana.
In addition, Peyk-e Tavana has, since 2008, participated in International Exhibition of Press and News Agencies in Tehran and has so far obtained several top awards from these exhibitions.
advertisement needs of the DAT.
Establishing an offset printing unit, turning
get more experienced and earn their livelihood.