The Disability Association of Tavana (DAT) is honored for its initiatives which have resulted in the introduction of practical and applied patterns for envisaging the potentials and capabilities of disabled individuals in Iran. DAT has actually rejected the idea of those people who have no belief in the strength of disabled individuals and consider such disabled individuals as a boring source of anxiety for the whole society.
advertisement needs of the DAT.
Indoor employment
In this regard, DAT has established its Art Center in order to adopt further steps toward the materialization of its valuable objectives. The DAT Art Center nurtures a strategy which emphasizes on enhancing the mental rehabilitation of the disabled people and creating at-home or indoor job opportunities for them. In other words, this center endeavors to identify proper sources of income for those disabled individuals who are unable to work for 8 hours outside their homes and earn their livelihood.
Kilim weaving training courses
The DAT has initiated Kilim weaving courses since 2012. Kilim is a flat tapestry-woven carpet or rug traditionally produced in the countries of the former Ottoman Empire, Iran, Azerbaijan, and some Central Asian countries. So far, about 300 people have been trained in these Kilim weaving courses. Currently, 15 disabled individuals and their families are involved in the production of Kilim.
Production of leather works
Training of leather embroider has been started by Disability Association of Tavana in 2011; and about 200 persons have been trained in this field. Through apply of some industrial equipment including Press and Sewing Machines, the workshop of Association of Tavana started producing the consolidated bags after a 5-year period of leather embroider; and it officially continued to work by getting the certificate of home-based employment from Department of Labor and Handicrafts. The workshop expanded its products by contracting with companies and offices. The workshop consists of 4 persons (including 2 persons with physically disabilities, a deaf person and a healthy person) and 15 persons with disabilities along with their families as home-based employment; and all of these persons get their wages and they have no obligation to sell. The Association of Tavana is responsible for sales. The workshop has participated in 36 exhibitions including the provincial, national and international ones between the years of 2014-2019. The association expanded its sales by creating a cyberspace and managed to get the ideal level with appropriate packing as well as applying the high-quality materials. The result of this effort is registration of the Brand of “Tavana Handicrafts”. The prospect of this economic project is export of products in the next 5 years.
Doll-making training courses
About 400 disabled individuals have so far received trainings on producing decorative local dolls. Currently, 11 of those trained individuals are involved in doll-making activities.
In all the above mentioned fields, packed raw materials are provided for producers. The producers receive their wages each month and after submitting their products. DAT shoulders the responsibility for selling their products. It uses various methods for selling these products. DAT can sell these products through its website and its telegram channel. In addition, DAT can sell such products via contracts that it concludes with different companies and organizations. The Tavana Shop is also another venue for presenting these products to consumers.
Now, we have a responsibility that should never be ignored. By purchasing the goods produced by our disabled fellow-countrymen / fellow-countrywomen, we can enhance their revenues and create more job opportunities for them.