All the officials and public organizations are to be blamed for the marginalization of the disabled individuals in the society.
Whoever gives life to an individual human being, he is actually enlivened the whole society. (Holy Koran, 5:32)
The disabled people are amongst those social groups who are suffering from numerous problems and difficulties in the society. These problems and difficulties are the consequence of the lack of attention of the concerned authorities to this social group. As a result, the potentials and capabilities of disabled people are usually ignored by the society and they have no participation and involvement in the affairs of their community. The Disability Association of Tavana (DAT) has, since its inception, endeavored to act as a linkage between the disabled individuals and the authorities in order to enhance the rehabilitation and social participation of the disabled people and, at the same time, inform the concerned authorities of the problems and sufferings of the disabled people. DAT has tried to raise the awareness of the authorities regarding the difficulties of the disabled individuals. The House Friendship Department in the DAT is concentrated on identifying the disabled individuals and investigating on their families and their mental and physical problems. It also identifies the potentials and capabilities of the disabled people and makes necessary coordination with concerned officials and organizations in this regard to provide medical and psychological services for them. In fact, doctors and psychologists are dispatched to the houses of the disabled individuals and help them get involved in the society and have participation in social affairs.
This department has so far been able to inject hope into the lives of many disabled individuals, who had been used to have a secluded and isolationist life and marginalized by their societies. By taking advantage of the services of doctors and psychologists and also through rehabilitation procedures, the House Friendship Department has managed to settle the problems of such individuals and introduce the happy aspects of life to them. In fact, DAT has played an important role in the success and growth of such disabled individuals in their lives.
We urge the authorities to lend their support to this social movement and contribute to its further expansion throughout the country. We should acknowledge that all the officials and organizations are to be blamed for the marginalization and seclusion of the disabled individuals in the society and they are supposed to be accountable in this regard. This DAT initiative reminds us of one of the verses of the Holy Koran which observes: “Whoever gives life to an individual human being, he is actually enlivened the whole society.” (Holy Koran, 5:32)
Through establishing the House Friendship Department, DAT has played a determining role in the lives of the disabled people. DAT authorities have so far paid visits to more than 1000 disabled individuals in their homes. In these visits, they have endeavored to governors, mayors, and members of the City Council of Qazvin with themselves. Also, authorities of the provincial Welfare Organization, doctors, psychologists, and consultants have accompanied such visiting delegations. They have done their best in order to get first hand information and tangible understanding of the problems of the disabled individuals. Such visiting delegations have been concentrating on solving the problems of disabled individuals and prepare an appropriate context for their social participation.
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