The Library
Disabled people should be equipped with knowledge and present their services to the society.
In contemporary societies, man has achieved extensive knowledge and modern sciences as a result of which our societies have got access to unprecedented scientific developments and technological advances. It is totally clear that human beings commit extraordinary acts and create the most beautiful works in the world. Through their studies, human beings can realize their identities and learn how to live as appropriately as possible. Books have always – during different periods and times – contributed to humans and their development. They have helped man to get acquainted with sound thoughts and adopt proper steps in the proper path of life. In other words, we can derive proper thoughts and attitudes out of books and apply them in our daily lives as an appropriate pattern.
The Disability Association of Tavana (DAT) has always highlighted the importance of the enhancement of the knowledge and scientific capabilities of the disabled people. It is one of the basic values and important priorities of the DAT authorities. DAT has always emphasized on the necessity of the active involvement of disabled individuals in the affairs of their societies. Based on this argument, the DAT established its Library and Reading Hall Department in 1994. In the early stages of the establishment of the Library and Reading Hall Department, individuals who had books in their homes and personal libraries submitted some of their books to this department. The Library and Reading Hall Department started its activities with only 100 volumes of books. In 2002, a mission from the Association of Iranian Public Libraries paid a visit to the DAT in order to get acquainted with this organization. But before this visit, the disabled individuals collected further books as a result of which the number of books of this library increased up to some 3000 volumes. There were good and rich books in the DAT Library and Reading Hall Department. Therefore, it received a plaque of honor from the director general of the Association of Iranian Public Libraries. Currently, the DAT Library and Reading Hall Department has established its Alvand and Takistan branches and has around 6000 volumes of books. Some of the functions of the DAT Library and Reading Hall Department are as follows:
1. Forming mobile libraries in order to provide library services for those people who suffer from severe physical disability.
2. Organizing book reading courses for the DAT members.
3. Holding book reading sessions for children and their mothers.
4. Establishing the Audio Library Unit for the blind people with 30,000 volumes of books.
The DAT supports children with physical disabilities to continue their educational studies. Therefore, it plays a vitally important role in forming the future of these children.
Disability Association of Tavana (DAT): Objectives & Philosophy
Some children might, due to different reasons, become physically disabled after their birth. For example, they might become disabled due to physical hurts at the time of their birth. Diseases and incidents can also create physical disability in children after their birth. Such children require special care. First of all, it is necessary that the families of these children realize the potentials and capabilities of their disabled loved ones. Secondly, it is necessary to enhance their potentials and capabilities and further empower them through adopting appropriate steps. The DAT believes that supporting the disabled children and their families plays a significant role in the enhancement of the capabilities of such children. As a matter of fact, if we ignore disabled children in the early years of their lives and remain careless of them, they will be faced with problems and difficulties that will be impossible to make any compensation for them. In addition, the family also plays an important role in the acceptance of the disabled children. The relatives of a disabled person should believe that a disabled person is not a torment sent to them by the almighty God; rather, they must deem such a person as having some potentials and capabilities that must be materialized and utilized for the development of the society. A scrutiny of the lives of successful disabled individuals proves that they have been grown up in families that have nurtured positive outlooks toward their children.
Through establishing its Children Education Department, the DAT is determined to raise the awareness of families regarding the concept of physical disability and train them how to interact with disabled children. The Children Education Department is concentrating on the cultural promotion of families. It is trying to encourage the families to attach great importance to the education of their disabled children. This department endeavors to link volunteer teachers to the disabled children that have problems in their educational studies. The DAT is doing its best to hold training and educational courses for the disabled children.
Some of the initiatives that have been carried out by the DAT Children Education Department are as follows:
- Providing treatment and educational support for more than 250 disabled individuals.
- Educational assessment of more than 120 disabled students and holding extra-curricular and supplementary courses for such students.
- Identification of some 70 volunteer teachers interested in teaching the students that suffer from physical disability.
- Organizing training courses and workshops for mothers of disabled students and holding consultancy classes for them in the DAT headquarter or in the conference halls of the city (of Qazvin).
- Assessing the potentials and capabilities of students that have special needs.
- Organizing essay writing and essay reading contests among disabled students in the schools of the city of Qazvin.
- Organizing book reading courses for the children who are suffering from physical disability.
- Holding rehabilitation classes for disabled children.
- Organizing concentration and philosophy classes for disabled children aged between 4 to 17 years old.
- Organizing story telling events for some 50 for disabled students and their parents by Ms. Fetri and her kindergarten group in the park next to the DAT headquarter.
- Establishing the council for assessing and visiting the disabled students who have abandoned their education.
- Holding justification meetings for some 200 DAT members who have filled the application form for participating in educational and applied courses.
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Establishing an offset printing unit, turning
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