

The Tavana Fund of Interest-Free Laon

The Tavana Fund of Interest-Free Loan has been established some 15 years ago, concurrent with the emergence of the Disability Association of Tavana (DAT). Through providing its services, this fund has always supported the DAT’s economic and investment activities. The Tavana Fund of Interest-Free Loan has pursued 2 objectives: 1- Providing loans for the disabled individuals in order to facilitate their marriage, treatment, and education; and 2- Taking advantage of its assets in order to run workshops for creating job opportunities for the disabled people. The Tavana Fund of Interest-Free Loan has so far 1983 members, whose assets have formed the capital of this fund. It has so far provided loans for 14459 people. The total value of these loans is 669,827,500,000 Rials. advertisement needs of the DAT.      


Establishing an offset printing unit, turning get more experienced and earn their livelihood. 


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