
The first special audio library was opened in Qazvin

The audio library in Qazvin province was inaugurated with the presence of some officials. According to the report of the Tavana paper, the audio library for persons with visual disabilities,

The audio library in Qazvin province was inaugurated with the presence of some officials. According to the report of the Tavana paper, the audio library for persons with visual disabilities, with the emblem of “See The world through my voice” was inaugurated at the association of Tavana with presence of parliament members of Qazvin, members of Qazvin city council, Seyyed Mohammad Mousavi founder of the Center for disabled people of Tavana of Qazvin province, Mr. Ahmadi, president of Special education of Qazvin province, Mr. Mehdi Ramezani, general manager of Libraries Foundation of Qazvin Province. The first audio library was instituted with the efforts of Tavana association of Qazvin to provide easy access to resources and information for the persons with visual disabilities. This organ plans to convert the academic books as well as textbooks to audio books for the blind and low-vision persons and to produce information and resources for the blind as well as the audio books in the scientific and cultural fields as well as the youth and children field.

irantavana disability news

Monday 2016/7/18

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